注塑机变压器380V变转200V变压器 Isolation Transformer 概述: I.The Overview of Isolation Transformer 380V变转200V变压器又叫安全变压器,属于安全电源,一般用来机器维修保养用起保护、防雷、滤波作用。本产品是我公司针对工矿企业配套而设计,适用于电源隔离输配电等场合SG/DG系列三相/单相隔离变压器是各种电源及电气设备的主要供电变压部件,是我司根据各类进口设备及特殊设备电压等级的需求设计选用优质高磁通硅钢片及高强度双玻璃丝包线加工并利用先进的真空浸漆设备进行绝缘处理生产的系列产品,具有适用负载广泛、能承受瞬时超栽、耐腐蚀能力强、安全可靠、可长期连续工作的特点。此系列产品完全满足GB1094.11-2007、JB/T 5555-2013、GB6450、GB/T10228、IEC60726低压干式变压器的相关标准。 Isolation Transformer is also called Safety Transformer which belongs to a kind of safety power source. It is generally used for the machine's maintenance and repair for the purpose of protection, lightening protection and filter action. Isolation Transformer is the matching design for the industrial and mining enterprises, and is suited in the situation of power isolation, transmission and isolation. 订货须知 II. The Ordering Instruction of Isolation Transformer 我公司均可根据各国客户的特殊需求进行针对性设计和生产,如果您有需要,需提供以下信息。 1、产品型号 2、额定容量 3、高、低压电压 4、联接组别 Our company can design and produce the products according to the worldwide customers' special requirements. If you have some need, please provide the following information: Product model 2. Rated capacity 3. High,low voltage 4. Connection group 三.技术参数: III. The Technical Parameter of Isolation Transformer